Tonight we picked our garden. We picked cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and jalepenos. Now we need to deal with getting it put up.
We filled 3 Runza Restaurants reusable full size salad containers up with cherry tomatoes. They will not last long! 😂
We planted some new crops this year. Black tomatoes & peppers, purple peppers & broccoli, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, sage, tomatillos, habanero and what we think might be a Brussels sprout.
Our method of gardening is the strongest shall survive and we do not apply any chemical or natural solutions to our plants. They get water and that is it. We see the occasional weed or chew marks on leaves but that is ok. They are on their own!🤣
In the spring we constitute our soil with manure and till it in. The soaker hose is laid on top of the soil in rows. We planned our garden in advance so we allowed for crops that spread more than others. Heavy recycled plastic then covers the ground and hoses. Tomato/pepper cages are put in their permanent homes and stepping stones are put on the plastic to hold it down. When we plant we make the smallest incision possible in the plastic and plant the veggie start right next to the soaker hose.
The hose is then hooked up to the hydrant and put on an automatic timer so it waters the garden for us until the growing season is over.
Then we wait for the plants to grow and we harvest when they are ripe. And then we wait until the next batch is ripe. It is on auto pilot except for the harvesting.
We have tried other methods and have found this to be the best method for us and our business Artistic Innovations NE / Barn Quilts by Artistic Innovations LLC in Eustis, Nebraska. When you are small business owners there is not a lot of time left in the day for gardening.
Please share photos of your garden and produce! 🤩
